Small famous gay men

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This, sadly, includes some of our all-time favorite heartthrobs (as well as some celebs who we're not all that surprised about). We were shocked to find out just how many big-time Hollywood stars are lacking in the package department.

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Surprisingly, Mick isn't the only guy in Tinsel Town walking around with a small penis. In fact, according to the New York Post, one of the world's most swaggering lady-killers and lead singer of the ultra-successful Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger, was totally called out by his band-mate Keith Richards for having a 'tiny dodger.' (That's slang for a 'tiny dick,' for those of us not fluent in Cockney.) ( Just ask these famous fellas!) However, having a small penis doesn't necessarily doom a man to a lame sex life. When asked about his sexuality, he was a. Sorry, little guys! Say what you want about the 'motion of the ocean,' but when it comes to certain body parts, bigger is usually better for the ladies. Baldwin was writing gay and bisexual characters years before the LGBTQ movement fully took form and up until his death in 1987.

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